Where to start in selecting a web designer
Selecting a web designer is an important decision but it begins with defining the approach that best fits the business requirements. The word “designer” typically implies the look of the website. That is an important aspect but there are other equally important aspects such as functionality to be incorporated and the marketing of the site.
Frequently I am asked “how much does a website cost?”. There is no immediate answer without knowing the objective and requirements. It’s like asking how much is a house. That depends on the size, materials, number of bedrooms, baths etc. You get the idea.
In a recent article in CIO (8 tips for hiring a Web designer for your business), Jennifer Lonoff Schiff rightfully starts with “Know what you want – and what you don’t want.” Whether building a house or defining a website, the investment to develop the objectives and requirements are well worth the effort. As the saying goes “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there”. If that approach is taken, typically cost moves to the forefront of the decision process. That can lead to disappointing results and potentially missed opportunities. But cost is only one side of the coin. The other is the return on investment.
Putting the planning process upfront doesn’t automatically mean that you will be spending more. But, it does improve the chances that the result will best match the business objectives. Only with properly defined requirements can decisions as to the best approach and the most qualified provider be made.
eBusiness Technology begins its process with an in-depth review of the business goals and objectives and has a wealth of experience in defining how a website can meet those needs. We don’t automatically assume that a custom-developed site is the answer. There are times when we will recommend an inexpensive platform that the the business person can use to implement their website. In other cases, we’ve identified that the real need isn’t a website as much as it is an online marketing solution. However, the key is the match the right solution to the real needs of the business.
For more information, please contact us.
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