Engagement with Social Media

Engagement with Social Media

01:07 12 November in Social Media Marketing

Although social media has been around now for quite some time, it is still not clearly understood by many small and mid-sized businesses. In particular, they may wonder what value it has for their businesses. Many believe that by simply having a website that they have a complete internet presence. While a website is important, many users focus on other platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn, depending on their interests and goals. Newer platform such as Pinterest and Twitter have gain in user-base but also in capabilities. Businesses can no longer afford to ignore these platforms and both their customers and their competitors engage on these social media channels.

The key understanding of any online marketing is “engagement”. Whether it is related to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or Lead Generation, as Denis O’Neil of Olinks Corp writes: “In the old days, we could buy links. Well Google ended that lazy-river strategy a few years ago. How do you get good quality links? One word – ‘engagement’.” (http://olinkscorp.com/2013/07/26/engagement-is-the-key-to-online-marketing/)

Of course, engaging customers can involve face to face interaction, phone calls and emails, but increasingly it is all about social media communication. We help customers implement a social media strategy through a five step process:

  1. Setup
  2. Post
  3. Promote
  4. Engage
  5. Measure

To learn more contact us.



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